Library to implement schemes on n-dimensionnal manifolds.
Go to the documentation of this file.
4 #include <Eigen/Sparse>
5 #include <string_view>
7 #include "ddr_spaces.hpp"
8 #include "parallel_for.hpp"
9 #include <atomic>
11 #include <unsupported/Eigen/src/IterativeSolvers/Scaling.h>
23 namespace Manicore {
32  public:
34  typedef Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> SystemMatrixType;
36  typedef Eigen::SparseLU<SystemMatrixType,Eigen::COLAMDOrdering<int> > SolverType;
38  static constexpr std::string_view SolverName = "SparseLU";
40  MaxwellProblem(const Mesh<2> &mesh ,
41  int degree ,
42  double timestep ,
43  bool use_threads = true ,
44  std::array<int,2> const* dqr = nullptr ,
45  std::ostream &output = std::cout );
49  size_t dimensionH() const {return 1;}
50 #else
51  size_t dimensionH() const {return 0;}
52 #endif
55  size_t dimensionG() const {return _ddrcore.dofspace(0).dimensionMesh();}
56 #else
57  size_t dimensionG() const {return 0;}
58 #endif
60  size_t dimensionE() const {return _ddrcore.dofspace(1).dimensionMesh();}
62  size_t dimensionB() const {return _ddrcore.dofspace(2).dimensionMesh();}
64  size_t dimensionSystem() const {return dimensionH() + dimensionG() + dimensionE() + dimensionB();}
67  DDR_Spaces<2> const & ddrcore() const {return _ddrcore;}
69  double timeStep() const {return _dt;}
72  void assembleRHS(Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd> const & rho ,
73  Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd> const & J ,
74  Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd> const & EOld ,
75  Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd> const & BOld );
78  void compute();
80  bool validateSolution(Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd> const &u) const;
82  Eigen::VectorXd solve();
84  Eigen::VectorXd solve(const Eigen::VectorXd &rhs);
90  template<typename Derived>
91  double norm(Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived> const &E ,
92  size_t k ) const;
97  template<typename Derived>
98  double normd(Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived> const &E ,
99  size_t k ) const;
105  SystemMatrixType globalDiff(size_t k ) const;
111  SystemMatrixType globalMass(size_t k ) const;
113  private:
114  void assembleLocalContribution(Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd> const & A, size_t iT, size_t kL, size_t kR, std::forward_list<Eigen::Triplet<double>> * triplets) const;
115  void assembleLocalContributionH(Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd> const & A, size_t iT, size_t k, std::forward_list<Eigen::Triplet<double>> * triplets) const;
116  void assembleLocalContribution(Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd> const & R, size_t iT, size_t k);
117  // Assemble the system and initialize the masses matrices
118  void assembleSystem();
120  DDR_Spaces<2> _ddrcore;
121  double _dt;
122  bool _use_threads;
123  std::ostream & _output;
124  SystemMatrixType _system;
125  Eigen::VectorXd _rhs;
126  SolverType _solver;
127  Eigen::VectorXd _interpOne; // Interpolate of the 0-form 1
128  std::vector<Eigen::MatrixXd> _ALoc00; // Mass matrices
129  std::vector<Eigen::MatrixXd> _ALoc11; // Mass matrices
130  std::vector<Eigen::MatrixXd> _ALoc22; // Mass matrices
131  Eigen::VectorXd _scalingL, _scalingR; // Scaling to enhance the condition number
132  };
135  struct MaxwellVector {
136  MaxwellVector(MaxwellProblem const & maxwell )
137  : u(maxwell.dimensionSystem()), sizeG(maxwell.dimensionG()), sizeE(maxwell.dimensionE()), sizeB(maxwell.dimensionB()),
138  offsetG(maxwell.dimensionH()), offsetE(offsetG + sizeG), offsetB(offsetE + sizeE) {}
141  u = other.u;
142  return *this;
143  }
145  MaxwellVector& operator =(const Eigen::VectorXd& other) {
146  u = other;
147  return *this;
148  }
150  Eigen::VectorBlock<Eigen::VectorXd> h()
151  {
152  return u.head(offsetG);
153  }
155  Eigen::VectorBlock<Eigen::VectorXd> G()
156  {
157  return u.segment(offsetG,sizeG);
158  }
160  Eigen::VectorBlock<Eigen::VectorXd> E()
161  {
162  return u.segment(offsetE,sizeE);
163  }
165  Eigen::VectorBlock<Eigen::VectorXd> B()
166  {
167  return u.segment(offsetB,sizeB);
168  }
169  Eigen::VectorXd u;
172  };
175  MaxwellProblem::MaxwellProblem(const Mesh<2> &mesh,int degree, double dt, bool use_threads, std::array<int,2> const *dqr, std::ostream &output)
176  : _ddrcore(mesh,degree,use_threads,dqr, output), _dt(dt), _use_threads(use_threads), _output(output), _rhs(dimensionSystem())
177  {
178  auto oneFunc = [](size_t , const Eigen::Vector<double,2> &)->Eigen::Vector<double,1> {
179  return Eigen::Vector<double,1>{1.};
180  };
181  _interpOne = _ddrcore.template interpolate<0>(oneFunc,dqr);
182  assembleSystem();
183  }
186  void MaxwellProblem::assembleLocalContribution(Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd> const & A, size_t iT, size_t kL, size_t kR,
187  std::forward_list<Eigen::Triplet<double>> * triplets) const
188  {
189  size_t gOffsetL = dimensionH(), gOffsetR = dimensionH();
190  // Initialise the global offsets
191  switch(kL) {
192  case 2:
193  gOffsetL += dimensionE();
194  case 1:
195  gOffsetL += dimensionG();
196  default:
197  ;
198  }
199  switch(kR) {
200  case 2:
201  gOffsetR += dimensionE();
202  case 1:
203  gOffsetR += dimensionG();
204  default:
205  ;
206  }
207  for (size_t iDL = 0; iDL <= 2; ++iDL) { // Iterate dimensions on the left
208  const size_t nbLDofsL = _ddrcore.dofspace(kL).numLocalDofs(iDL);
209  if (nbLDofsL == 0) continue;
210  std::vector<size_t> const & boundariesL = _ddrcore.mesh()->get_boundary(iDL,2,iT);
211  for (size_t iDR = 0; iDR <= 2; ++iDR) { // Iterate dimensions on the right
212  const size_t nbLDofsR = _ddrcore.dofspace(kR).numLocalDofs(iDR);
213  if (nbLDofsR == 0) continue;
214  std::vector<size_t> const & boundariesR = _ddrcore.mesh()->get_boundary(iDR,2,iT);
215  for (size_t iFL = 0; iFL < boundariesL.size(); ++iFL) { // Iterate cells on the left
216  const size_t offsetL = gOffsetL + _ddrcore.dofspace(kL).globalOffset(iDL,boundariesL[iFL]);
217  const size_t lOffsetL = _ddrcore.dofspace(kL).localOffset(iDL,2,iFL,iT);
218  for (size_t iFR = 0; iFR < boundariesR.size(); ++iFR) { // Iterate cells on the right
219  const size_t offsetR = gOffsetR + _ddrcore.dofspace(kR).globalOffset(iDR,boundariesR[iFR]);
220  const size_t lOffsetR = _ddrcore.dofspace(kR).localOffset(iDR,2,iFR,iT);
221  for (size_t iRow = 0; iRow < nbLDofsL; ++iRow) { // Iterate local dofs
222  for (size_t iCol = 0; iCol < nbLDofsR; ++iCol) { // Iterate local dofs
223  triplets->emplace_front(offsetL + iRow,offsetR + iCol,A(lOffsetL + iRow,lOffsetR + iCol));
224  } // iCol
225  } // iRow
226  } // iFR
227  } // iFL
228  } // iDR
229  } // iDL
230  };
232  void MaxwellProblem::assembleLocalContributionH(Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd> const & A, size_t iT, size_t k, std::forward_list<Eigen::Triplet<double>> * triplets) const
233  {
234  assert(A.cols() == 1 && "Expected only 1 harmonic form");
235  size_t gOffset = dimensionH();
236  // Initialise the global offsets
237  switch(k) {
238  case 2:
239  gOffset += dimensionE();
240  case 1:
241  gOffset += dimensionG();
242  default:
243  ;
244  }
245  for (size_t iD = 0; iD <= 2; ++iD) { // Iterate dimensions on the left
246  const size_t nbLDofs = _ddrcore.dofspace(k).numLocalDofs(iD);
247  if (nbLDofs == 0) continue;
248  std::vector<size_t> const & boundaries = _ddrcore.mesh()->get_boundary(iD,2,iT);
249  for (size_t iF = 0; iF < boundaries.size(); ++iF) { // Iterate cells on the left
250  const size_t offset = gOffset + _ddrcore.dofspace(k).globalOffset(iD,boundaries[iF]);
251  const size_t lOffset = _ddrcore.dofspace(k).localOffset(iD,2,iF,iT);
252  for (size_t iRow = 0; iRow < nbLDofs; ++iRow) { // Iterate local dofs
253  triplets->emplace_front(offset+iRow,0,A(lOffset+iRow,0));
254  triplets->emplace_front(0,offset+iRow,A(lOffset+iRow,0));
255  } // iRow
256  } // iF
257  } // iD
258  };
260  void MaxwellProblem::assembleLocalContribution(Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd> const & R, size_t iT, size_t k)
261  {
262  size_t gOffset = dimensionH();
263  // Initialise the global offsets
264  switch(k) {
265  case 2:
266  gOffset += dimensionE();
267  case 1:
268  gOffset += dimensionG();
269  default:
270  ;
271  }
272  for (size_t iD = 0; iD <= 2; ++iD) { // Iterate dimensions on the left
273  const size_t nbLDofs = _ddrcore.dofspace(k).numLocalDofs(iD);
274  if (nbLDofs == 0) continue;
275  std::vector<size_t> const & boundaries = _ddrcore.mesh()->get_boundary(iD,2,iT);
276  for (size_t iF = 0; iF < boundaries.size(); ++iF) { // Iterate cells on the left
277  const size_t offset = gOffset + _ddrcore.dofspace(k).globalOffset(iD,boundaries[iF]);
278  const size_t lOffset = _ddrcore.dofspace(k).localOffset(iD,2,iF,iT);
279  for (size_t iRow = 0; iRow < nbLDofs; ++iRow) { // Iterate local dofs
280  std::atomic_ref<double> atomicRHS(_rhs[offset+iRow]); // Prevent race condition when using several thread
281  atomicRHS.fetch_add(R(lOffset+iRow),std::memory_order_relaxed); // Only requires the atomicity of the addition
282  } // iRow
283  } // iF
284  } // iD
285  };
287  void MaxwellProblem::assembleSystem()
288  {
289  const size_t nb_cell = _ddrcore.mesh()->n_cells(2);
290 #ifdef THREEFIELDS
291  std::vector<Eigen::MatrixXd> ALoc0h(nb_cell);
292  std::vector<Eigen::MatrixXd> ALoc01(nb_cell);
293 #endif
294  std::vector<Eigen::MatrixXd> ALoc12(nb_cell);
295  _ALoc00.resize(nb_cell); // Only used to compute the preservation of Rho when using 2 fields
296  _ALoc11.resize(nb_cell);
297  _ALoc22.resize(nb_cell);
298  std::function<void(size_t start, size_t end)> assemble_local = [&](size_t start, size_t end)->void {
299  for (size_t iT = start; iT < end; iT++) {
300  Eigen::MatrixXd loc00 = _ddrcore.computeL2Product(0,iT);
301  Eigen::MatrixXd loc11 = _ddrcore.computeL2Product(1,iT);
302  Eigen::MatrixXd loc22 = _ddrcore.computeL2Product(2,iT);
303 #ifdef THREEFIELDS
304  Eigen::MatrixXd loc0h = loc00*_ddrcore.dofspace(0).restrict(2,iT,_interpOne);
305  Eigen::MatrixXd loc01 = _ddrcore.compose_diff(0,2,iT).transpose()*loc11;
306 #endif
307  Eigen::MatrixXd loc12 = _ddrcore.compose_diff(1,2,iT).transpose()*loc22;
308 #ifdef THREEFIELDS
309  ALoc0h[iT] = loc0h;
310  ALoc01[iT] = loc01;
311 #endif
312  ALoc12[iT] = loc12;
313  _ALoc00[iT] = loc00;
314  _ALoc11[iT] = loc11;
315  _ALoc22[iT] = loc22;
316  }
317  };
318  _output<< "[MaxwellProblem] Assembling local contributions..."<<std::flush;
319  parallel_for(nb_cell,assemble_local,_use_threads);
320  _output<<"\r[MaxwellProblem] Assembled local contributions "<<std::endl;
322  auto batch_local_assembly = [&](size_t start, size_t end, std::forward_list<Eigen::Triplet<double>> * triplets)->void {
323  for (size_t iT = start; iT < end; iT++) {
324 #ifdef THREEFIELDS
325  assembleLocalContributionH(ALoc0h[iT],iT,0,triplets);
326  assembleLocalContribution(ALoc01[iT],iT,0,1,triplets); // Constraint <E,dv0>
327  assembleLocalContribution(ALoc01[iT].transpose(),iT,1,0,triplets); // Constraint <dA,v1>
328 #endif
329  assembleLocalContribution(0.5*_dt*ALoc12[iT],iT,1,2,triplets); // <dE,v2>
330  assembleLocalContribution(0.5*_dt*ALoc12[iT].transpose(),iT,2,1,triplets); // <B,dv1>
331  assembleLocalContribution(-1.*_ALoc11[iT],iT,1,1,triplets); // -<E,v1>
332  assembleLocalContribution(_ALoc22[iT],iT,2,2,triplets); // <B,v2>
333  }
334  };
335  _output<< "[MaxwellProblem] Assembling global system from local contributions..."<<std::flush;
336  _system = parallel_assembly(nb_cell,std::make_pair(dimensionSystem(),dimensionSystem()),
337  batch_local_assembly,_use_threads);
338  _output<<"\r[MaxwellProblem] Assembled global system from local contributions "<<std::endl;
339  };
341  void MaxwellProblem::assembleRHS(Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd> const & rho, Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd> const & J,Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd> const & EOld, Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd> const & BOld)
342  {
343  auto batch_local_assembly = [&](size_t start,size_t end)->void {
344  for (size_t iT = start; iT < end; ++iT) {
345  Eigen::VectorXd loc;
346 #ifdef THREEFIELDS
347  // 0 forms
348  assert(static_cast<size_t>(rho.size()) == dimensionG() && "Incorrect size of rho");
349  loc = -_ALoc00[iT]*_ddrcore.dofspace(0).restrict(2,iT,rho);
350  assembleLocalContribution(loc,iT,0);
351 #endif
352  // 1 forms
353  assert(static_cast<size_t>(J.size()) == dimensionE() && "Incorrect size of J");
354  assert(static_cast<size_t>(EOld.size()) == dimensionE() && "Incorrect size of EOld");
355  loc = _ALoc11[iT]*_ddrcore.dofspace(1).restrict(2,iT,_dt*J - EOld);
356  loc -= 0.5*_dt*_ddrcore.compose_diff(1,2,iT).transpose()*_ALoc22[iT]*_ddrcore.dofspace(2).restrict(2,iT,BOld);
357  assembleLocalContribution(loc,iT,1);
358  // 2 forms
359  assert(static_cast<size_t>(BOld.size()) == dimensionB() && "Incorrect size of BOld");
360  loc = _ALoc22[iT]*_ddrcore.dofspace(2).restrict(2,iT,BOld);
361  loc -= 0.5*_dt*_ALoc22[iT]*_ddrcore.compose_diff(1,2,iT)*_ddrcore.dofspace(1).restrict(2,iT,EOld);
362  assembleLocalContribution(loc,iT,2);
363  }
364  };
365  _output<< "[MaxwellProblem] Assembling RHS..."<<std::flush;
366  _rhs.setZero();
367  parallel_for(_ddrcore.mesh()->n_cells(2),batch_local_assembly,_use_threads);
368  _output<<"\r[MaxwellProblem] Assembled RHS "<<std::endl;
369  };
371  bool MaxwellProblem::validateSolution(Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd> const &u) const
372  {
373  double const err = (_system*u - _rhs).norm()/_rhs.norm();
374  if (err > 1e-5) {
375  std::cerr<<"[MaxwellProblem] The relative error on the solution is "<<err<<". This could indicate that the solver silently failed"<<std::endl;
376  return false;
377  }
378  return true;
379  }
381  _output << "[MaxwellProblem] Setting solver "<<SolverName<<" with "<<dimensionSystem()<<" degrees of freedom"<<std::endl;
382  SystemMatrixType systemScaled = _system;
383  Eigen::IterScaling<SystemMatrixType> iterScaling;
384  iterScaling.computeRef(systemScaled);
385  _scalingL = iterScaling.LeftScaling();
386  _scalingR = iterScaling.RightScaling();
387  _solver.compute(systemScaled);
388  if ( != Eigen::Success) {
389  std::cerr << "[MaxwellProblem] Failed to factorize the system" << std::endl;
390  throw std::runtime_error("Factorization failed");
391  }
392  }
393  Eigen::VectorXd MaxwellProblem::solve() {
394  Eigen::VectorXd scaledRhs = _rhs.cwiseProduct(_scalingR);
395  Eigen::VectorXd u = _solver.solve(scaledRhs);
396  u = u.cwiseProduct(_scalingL);
397  if ( != Eigen::Success) {
398  std::cerr << "[MaxwellProblem] Failed to solve the system" << std::endl;
399  throw std::runtime_error("Solver failed");
400  }
401  validateSolution(u);
402  return u;
403  }
405  Eigen::VectorXd MaxwellProblem::solve(const Eigen::VectorXd &rhs) {
406  Eigen::VectorXd scaledRhs = rhs.cwiseProduct(_scalingR);
407  Eigen::VectorXd u = _solver.solve(scaledRhs);
408  u = u.cwiseProduct(_scalingL);
409  if ( != Eigen::Success) {
410  std::cerr << "[MaxwellProblem] Failed to solve the system" << std::endl;
411  throw std::runtime_error("Solver failed");
412  }
413  validateSolution(u);
414  return u;
415  }
417  template<typename Derived>
418  double MaxwellProblem::norm(Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived> const &E, size_t k) const
419  {
420  assert(static_cast<size_t>(E.size()) == _ddrcore.dofspace(k).dimensionMesh() && "Mismatched dimension, wrong form degree?");
421  const size_t nb_cell = _ddrcore.mesh()->n_cells(2);
422  std::vector<double> accErr(nb_cell);
423  std::function<void(size_t start, size_t end)> compute_local = [&](size_t start, size_t end)->void {
424  for (size_t iT = start; iT < end; ++iT){
425  Eigen::VectorXd locE = _ddrcore.dofspace(k).restrict(2,iT,E);
426  Eigen::MatrixXd matL2;
427  switch(k) {
428  case 0:
429  matL2 = _ALoc00[iT];
430  break;
431  case 1:
432  matL2 = _ALoc11[iT];
433  break;
434  case 2:
435  matL2 = _ALoc22[iT];
436  break;
437  default:
438  ;
439  }
440  accErr[iT] =*locE);
441  }
442  };
443  parallel_for(nb_cell,compute_local,_use_threads);
444  double acc = 0;
445  for (double err : accErr) {
446  acc += err;
447  }
448  return std::sqrt(acc);
449  }
451  template<typename Derived>
452  double MaxwellProblem::normd(Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived> const &E,size_t k) const
453  {
454  if (k == 2) return 0.;
455  assert(static_cast<size_t>(E.size()) == _ddrcore.dofspace(k).dimensionMesh() && "Mismatched dimension, wrong form degree?");
456  const size_t nb_cell = _ddrcore.mesh()->n_cells(2);
457  std::vector<double> accErr(nb_cell);
458  std::function<void(size_t start, size_t end)> compute_local = [&](size_t start, size_t end)->void {
459  for (size_t iT = start; iT < end; ++iT){
460  Eigen::VectorXd locE = _ddrcore.compose_diff(k,2,iT)*_ddrcore.dofspace(k).restrict(2,iT,E);
461  Eigen::MatrixXd matL2;
462  switch(k) {
463  case 0:
464  matL2 = _ALoc11[iT];
465  break;
466  case 1:
467  matL2 = _ALoc22[iT];
468  break;
469  default:
470  ;
471  }
472  accErr[iT] =*locE);
473  }
474  };
475  parallel_for(nb_cell,compute_local,_use_threads);
476  double acc = 0;
477  for (double err : accErr) {
478  acc += err;
479  }
480  return std::sqrt(acc);
481  }
484  {
485  SystemMatrixType rv(_ddrcore.dofspace(k+1).dimensionMesh(),_ddrcore.dofspace(k).dimensionMesh());
486  std::forward_list<Eigen::Triplet<double>> triplets;
487  for (size_t iD = 0; iD < 3; ++iD) {
488  const size_t nDofsL = _ddrcore.dofspace(k+1).numLocalDofs(iD);
489  if (nDofsL == 0) continue;
490  for (size_t iT = 0; iT < _ddrcore.mesh()->n_cells(iD); ++iT) { // Iterate over all dimension on the left to avoid double counting
491  Eigen::MatrixXd A = _ddrcore.compose_diff(k,iD,iT);
492  const size_t offsetL = _ddrcore.dofspace(k+1).globalOffset(iD,iT);
493  const size_t lOffsetL = _ddrcore.dofspace(k+1).localOffset(iD,iT);
494  for (size_t iDR = 0; iDR<=iD;++iDR) { // Iterate over the boundary on the right
495  const size_t nDofsR = _ddrcore.dofspace(k).numLocalDofs(iDR);
496  if (nDofsR == 0) continue;
497  std::vector<size_t> const & boundariesR = _ddrcore.mesh()->get_boundary(iDR,iD,iT);
498  for (size_t iFR = 0; iFR< boundariesR.size(); ++iFR) {
499  const size_t offsetR = _ddrcore.dofspace(k).globalOffset(iDR,boundariesR[iFR]);
500  const size_t lOffsetR = _ddrcore.dofspace(k).localOffset(iDR,iD,iFR,iT);
501  for (size_t iRow = 0; iRow < nDofsL; ++iRow) {
502  for (size_t iCol = 0; iCol < nDofsR; ++iCol) {
503  triplets.emplace_front(offsetL+iRow,offsetR+iCol,A(lOffsetL+iRow,lOffsetR+iCol));
504  }
505  }
506  }
507  }
508  }
509  }
510  rv.setFromTriplets(triplets.begin(),triplets.end());
511  return rv;
512  }
515  {
516  SystemMatrixType rv(_ddrcore.dofspace(k).dimensionMesh(),_ddrcore.dofspace(k).dimensionMesh());
517  std::forward_list<Eigen::Triplet<double>> triplets;
518  std::vector<Eigen::MatrixXd> const & A = (k == 0)? _ALoc00 : ((k == 1)? _ALoc11 : _ALoc22);
519  for (size_t iT = 0; iT<_ddrcore.mesh()->n_cells(2); ++iT) {
520  for (size_t iDL = 0; iDL <= 2; ++iDL) { // Iterate dimensions on the left
521  const size_t nbLDofsL = _ddrcore.dofspace(k).numLocalDofs(iDL);
522  if (nbLDofsL == 0) continue;
523  std::vector<size_t> const & boundariesL = _ddrcore.mesh()->get_boundary(iDL,2,iT);
524  for (size_t iDR = 0; iDR <= 2; ++iDR) { // Iterate dimensions on the right
525  const size_t nbLDofsR = _ddrcore.dofspace(k).numLocalDofs(iDR);
526  if (nbLDofsR == 0) continue;
527  std::vector<size_t> const & boundariesR = _ddrcore.mesh()->get_boundary(iDR,2,iT);
528  for (size_t iFL = 0; iFL < boundariesL.size(); ++iFL) { // Iterate cells on the left
529  const size_t offsetL = _ddrcore.dofspace(k).globalOffset(iDL,boundariesL[iFL]);
530  const size_t lOffsetL = _ddrcore.dofspace(k).localOffset(iDL,2,iFL,iT);
531  for (size_t iFR = 0; iFR < boundariesR.size(); ++iFR) { // Iterate cells on the right
532  const size_t offsetR = _ddrcore.dofspace(k).globalOffset(iDR,boundariesR[iFR]);
533  const size_t lOffsetR = _ddrcore.dofspace(k).localOffset(iDR,2,iFR,iT);
534  for (size_t iRow = 0; iRow < nbLDofsL; ++iRow) { // Iterate local dofs
535  for (size_t iCol = 0; iCol < nbLDofsR; ++iCol) { // Iterate local dofs
536  triplets.emplace_front(offsetL + iRow,offsetR + iCol,A[iT](lOffsetL + iRow,lOffsetR + iCol));
537  } // iCol
538  } // iRow
539  } // iFR
540  } // iFL
541  } // iDR
542  } // iDL
543  } // iT
544  rv.setFromTriplets(triplets.begin(),triplets.end());
545  return rv;
546  }
548 }; // Namespace
549 #endif
Eigen::MatrixXd computeL2Product(size_t k, size_t i_cell) const
Compute the local product (including the cell boundary)
Definition: ddr_spaces.cpp:272
const Mesh< dimension > * mesh() const
Return the Mesh associated with the class.
Definition: ddr_spaces.hpp:72
DOFSpace< dimension > const & dofspace(size_t k) const
Return DOFSpace associated to k forms.
Definition: ddr_spaces.hpp:68
Eigen::MatrixXd compose_diff(size_t k, size_t d, size_t i_cell) const
Compute the projected differential operator.
Definition: ddr_spaces.cpp:248
2 dimensional Maxwell equation on a manifold without boundary
Definition: maxwell.hpp:31
void compute()
Setup the solver.
Definition: maxwell.hpp:380
double normd(Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > const &E, size_t k) const
Compute the discrete norm of the differential of a -form.
Definition: maxwell.hpp:452
static constexpr std::string_view SolverName
Name of the solver.
Definition: maxwell.hpp:38
SystemMatrixType globalDiff(size_t k) const
Compute the global discrete differential.
Definition: maxwell.hpp:483
size_t dimensionG() const
Return the number of unknowns attached to the space of 0 forms.
Definition: maxwell.hpp:57
Eigen::VectorXd solve()
Solve the system and return the solution.
Definition: maxwell.hpp:393
void assembleRHS(Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > const &rho, Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > const &J, Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > const &EOld, Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > const &BOld)
Assemble the Right-Hand side from the given interpolates.
Definition: maxwell.hpp:341
size_t dimensionH() const
Return the number of unknowns attached to the space of harmonic 0 forms.
Definition: maxwell.hpp:51
Eigen::SparseLU< SystemMatrixType, Eigen::COLAMDOrdering< int > > SolverType
Type used to store the solver.
Definition: maxwell.hpp:36
Eigen::SparseMatrix< double > SystemMatrixType
Type used to store the system.
Definition: maxwell.hpp:34
size_t dimensionE() const
Return the number of unknowns attached to the space of 1 forms.
Definition: maxwell.hpp:60
size_t dimensionB() const
Return the number of unknowns attached to the space of 2 forms.
Definition: maxwell.hpp:62
SystemMatrixType globalMass(size_t k) const
Compute the global mass matrix.
Definition: maxwell.hpp:514
size_t dimensionSystem() const
Return the total number of unknowns.
Definition: maxwell.hpp:64
double timeStep() const
Return the time-step.
Definition: maxwell.hpp:69
double norm(Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > const &E, size_t k) const
Compute the discrete norm of a -form.
Definition: maxwell.hpp:418
DDR_Spaces< 2 > const & ddrcore() const
Return the associated DDR_Spaces.
Definition: maxwell.hpp:67
bool validateSolution(Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > const &u) const
Check if the vector u if a solution up to a given relative accuracy.
Definition: maxwell.hpp:371
MaxwellProblem(const Mesh< 2 > &mesh, int degree, double timestep, bool use_threads=true, std::array< int, 2 > const *dqr=nullptr, std::ostream &output=std::cout)
Definition: maxwell.hpp:175
Main data structure for the mesh.
Definition: mesh.hpp:54
Discrete operators for DDR-PEC.
Definition: maxwell.hpp:23
static void parallel_for(unsigned nb_elements, std::function< void(size_t start, size_t end)> functor, bool use_threads=true)
Generic function to execute threaded processes.
Definition: parallel_for.hpp:42
Eigen::SparseMatrix< double > parallel_assembly(size_t nb_elements, std::pair< size_t, size_t > systemSize, FType localAssembly, bool use_threads=true)
Function to assemble a global sparse matrix from a procedure that compute local contributions.
Definition: parallel_for.hpp:74
Helper to parallelize operations using pthreads.
Construct a convenient wrapper around a vector of global unknowns to manipulate individual components...
Definition: maxwell.hpp:135
int offsetG
Definition: maxwell.hpp:171
Eigen::VectorBlock< Eigen::VectorXd > E()
Return the electric part.
Definition: maxwell.hpp:160
MaxwellVector & operator=(const MaxwellVector &other)
Copy another MaxwellVector.
Definition: maxwell.hpp:140
int offsetE
Definition: maxwell.hpp:171
int sizeE
Definition: maxwell.hpp:170
Eigen::VectorXd u
Definition: maxwell.hpp:169
int sizeB
Definition: maxwell.hpp:170
int sizeG
Definition: maxwell.hpp:170
Eigen::VectorBlock< Eigen::VectorXd > B()
Return the magnetic part.
Definition: maxwell.hpp:165
Eigen::VectorBlock< Eigen::VectorXd > h()
Return the harmonic part.
Definition: maxwell.hpp:150
int offsetB
Definition: maxwell.hpp:171
MaxwellVector(MaxwellProblem const &maxwell)
Definition: maxwell.hpp:136
Eigen::VectorBlock< Eigen::VectorXd > G()
Return the ghost part.
Definition: maxwell.hpp:155